Alphabet 101
Alphabet is an important development in human story and Latin is one of many. Russia has its cyrillic alphabet and it is a bit different what you are reading right now. Arabic culture has its own alphabet which contains 28 letters close to Latin Alphabet but writing from right to left. Some cultures like Chinese, there is not any alphabet but a system called Pinyin that refers to logographic. Ups! All those information is actually entering the main topic: Google is now Alphabet which has many companies under one umbrella of a big picture. You can find a company for each letter (no, i am not going to count all of them) and this new set of thinking, division modal will create advantages on; Having more room for risky projects Tax benefit Divided mission statements Risk mitigation Easier capital allocation Resolving conflicts between ideas G for Golden Letter but ? 90% income generated within searching business if we are taking...
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