What was wrong with Roman Numerals?

Roman numerals were used for many decades and basic multiplication was considered as a technical concept that was not for ordinary people.

Later on, Arabic numerals were introduced. Zero was then added from Hindus, after which we were ready for daily mathematics. You can do arithmetic with Arabic numerals on paper. Even your kid can understand multiplication or division in hours. Maybe it is not that multiplication was difficult, just that the representation of logic was inappropriate to the human brain. You can call it an Interface – not about the numbers themselves, but how people feel when they are using the numerals.
We think that knowledge can be represented in different ways. Representation and its domain are important to reach perfect solutions.

Our Results are


Other possible routes are defined


Prioritized decisions


Measuring from first moment


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Work Lenses.

We can describe our work activities with four lenses. These lenses require different substantial skill-sets and way of thinking while they are inter-connected to each other in Total Process™

eXperiment lens

An experiment is an investigation into the causal relationship between two things. We think that experiments are vital for success.


Will it work? Why do we need such a colorful button there? Why not that? Questioning is the essential attribute of the experiment lenses. Curiosity is the main motivation for experiments. Dogmatic answers are not accepted in our design process because reasoning captivates the mind more effectively than assumption.


Understanding dependent and independent values and validating our decision-making are two important tasks when using an experiment lens.

eXperience lens

Experience is not a constant value and not identical for each individual. Experiences are highly connected to sensation and perception. Experience lenses are used for crafting pre-variables of experiences. They combine well-accepted scientific concepts together with a creative design process.
Regrettably, generalization of user experiences is still accepted within today’s design practices. In our design process, we use several tools to understand micro and macro level experiences.
The experience lens encapsulates intentioned experience together with possible unintended experiential outcomes. Together, these enable us to be more precise about our decisions while designing for positive experiences.

Interaction lens

Interaction is a continuous form of communication. It starts with words – within a triangle of sign, signifier and signified. A word is nothing if it can’t be decoded. Graphical 2D elements can reshape/emphasize/prioritize these words. Tangible objects and space are the domain of physical 3D interactions. Time is the fourth dimension, providing a shaping effect on action and reaction chains.


What’s all for this? Why are we doing that? We are doing it because…


Interaction permits another intelligent or semi-intelligent form to carry out an identified task while obeying or shaping somebody’s behavior and limitations. We are using proven processes and tools within our Interaction lens. The Interaction lens affects interface elements, which in turn have the power to elevate intended experiences and alleviate or block those that are unintended. Our Interaction Lenses have up-to-date control tests for aligning them with the requirements of other platforms.

Intelligence lens

Intelligence is the ultimate goal. We are clicking buttons, touching screens, commenting, voting, selecting, completing, and so, throughout our days. Trends show that the silicon intelligence is an extraordinary concept that will change how we are interacting.


Experience can also be designed for around Artificial Intelligence, to create new functionalities that are desired by the human mind. The definition of Interaction is changing together with the definitions and constraints of reachable intelligence. We are working with machine learning experts and data miners to help show your next horizons in your business domain.

We are ready to  design machines for machines.

Our Domain.

People and Machine

Finding which situation can create a meaningful relationship between parties is one of our major strengths. There are three different alternatives to show the relationship between human and machine, namely:

  • Machine = Human
  • Machine > Human
  • Machine < Human